Gaelen & Taliesen
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On February 14, 1998, a new fellow came into our lives and made us a trio. 
Now there are Caval Tor Gaelen, Caval Tor Taliesen, and Gail. The boys are wonderful 
and loving. Both Gaelen and Taliesen have their Canadian & UKC Championships. We don't show too often at ARBA shows. Gaelen won the Canadian SV specialty in 2003 and Taliesen took BOB at two shows in Toronto.

Check out the ad for which the boys posed....courtesy of  & designed by Lisa Croft-Elliott...
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Valkyrie.....Valkyra —— Happy Wanderers!
*Valkyrie is the goddess who escorts Vikings into Valhalla, at the time of their death

A new tradition has begun for us! Instead of taking a vacation R&R, we will take V&V....Vallhunds and Visits. On a cold, crisp February day in Michigan our monthlong adventure began! What a sight we were....Gail at the wheel, Gaelen standing on the table watching the country whiz by and Taliesen with back feet on the dinette bench, front paws on Gail’s shoulders and head fully resting on top of and turning in tandam with Gail’s head.
    Our first V&V was in Rowlette, texas--Caval Romance. She is Taliesen’s beautiful littermate. The three vals romped and ran while the human val partners visited. Deeper into Texas the boys explored being ‘Princes of the Desert,’ running up and over and down and back endless sand dunes until they were exhausted. At "City of Rocks" park in Lordsburg, NM, the boys posed for a shot of what we saw as Nature’s declaration: "SV’s are #1!" true, so true.
   Onward Ho to find our way onto the top of a mesa in Gila Bend Arizona. What fun the boys had exploring the arroyos and wondering who were these howling creatures that came and serenaded at our camper window on those nights...and why can’t we go out and run in the dark, too? We joined a communal campfire and were entranced by the mesmerizing flames and stories of the fulltimers, here on the escarpment for the entire winter in their self-made camp.
   The second and third V&V’s occurred in Flagstaff and Clarkdale, AZ, with Caval Desert Sage and Caval Thorin. Stephie,Doreen, & Helen had a val party with Tiko, the Shiba Inu, as hostess but none of the four SV’s would take time for a good picture. They were too busy running and playing and sniffing and......
   Our travel path in Arizona crossed through open range, where animals had the right of way. From their usual drive-time perch on the dinette table, the boys had a great view of the camper becoming surrounded by sheep. Suddenly, there were explosions and jolts within the camper. The boys had become live ‘bouncing balls,’ jumping from window to seat to floor to door to me, crying and pleading to get out. Since we were at a standsill, their exuberance could be enjoyed. They ran from the front to back of the camper. They lifted their paws in supplication and stared longingly out the window. How great it would have been to see them in herding action!
   The boys did get a chance to sort-of herd wild turkeys...9 hens. It was wild to watch, especially when, concurrently, three bevies of grouse, in groups of 12 or so, went scurrying hither and yon and back and forth across the turkeys’ path. It was like watching "Alice in Wonderland" much to herd, no time to do it....I’m late, I’m late, I’m late!
   What days these were! Travel, meet new friends, camp and hike and play and watch the beauty of a desert sunset and the brilliant crystal clarity of the stars at night. What companions, friends, and canine ambassadors these two SV’s are: bright, hardy, loving and loyal; gentle and sweet; every ready and adaptable to work or play. They loved to travel, to visit people and animals, to camp, to run and roll in water and snow, to cuddle.
   In reflection, the boys again conferred gifts on me, beyond their companionship. They gave me the spirit to find
--zest for the adventures each day brings
--a sense of patience and steadiness...that you can manage the days annoyances and that the annoyances are but a drop compared to the treasures in life
--a quest to travel all throughout the land doing V&V’s. Already we are dividing the land into manageable V&V areas! Alaska----we are coming!
   North, South, East, and West.......Swedish Vallhunds are the very best!


Caval Tor Gaelen  Caval Tor Taliesen

Gaelen, 6 months

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Taliesen, 5 months

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10 months 9 months

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Gaelen & Taliesen with Gail

Beachboys: Taliesen & Gaelen...8/98  

The Brothers Caval:  Caval Don Juan of Sheehaven; 
Caval Tor Taliesen; Caval Tor Gaelen at Woodstock, 
Ontario, Canada,July, 1998
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Click to see BIGGER picture.  
Gaelen & Taliesen....All Grown Up!!!
         Click to see bigger picture.
Boyz Additional Photo Pages!  
See Gaelen and Taliesen on their trip in Alaska!


Boyz and Christmas 2002  
New Boyzz Closeups  
Exta Pictures of the Boyz  
The Boyz in Utah and at a Show  
More Boyz, 2003    



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Swedish Vallhund Club of America 

This site is completely owned and  managed by Gail Smyka. I do this in gratitude to Cheryl Albert because I highly respect her  and because she was the one who started me in SV's with my wonderful Boyz, Gaelen & Taliesen.
Gail Smyka

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